Acupuncture, allergies and season’s change

Image illustrant le thème de l'acupuncture pour le traitement des allergies en relation avec le changement de saison chez Clinique Physio Gendron

F or people with seasonal allergies : The main goal of acupuncture is to balance the energy of the body. The energy flows along the meridians which are routes that are drawn on the body, along the surface of the skin. With the Chinese New Year starting on January 22, 2023, we are in liver/gallbladder […]

Acupuncture & Stress

Should you consider acupuncture as a solution? Making a dinner that pleases the whole family, fulfilling the demands of an overly demanding boss , getting the kids to school on time or walking the dog before it makes a mess of the house; this is a very common day-to-day occurrence for most Westerners. Inopportunely, this daily […]