Monica Medea
Massage therapist
Graduate in massage therapy
Monica Medea, who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, specializing in precision mechanics, decided to reorient her career in order to achieve what she wanted to do, help people. In 2010, she follows a training in anti gymnastics Thérèse Bertherat and then went into massage therapy in 2020.
Member of the Réseau de Massothérapeutes du Québec, Ms. Medea works mainly relaxation and therapeutic massages. She is also completing her training in physical therapy which allowed him to acquire theoretical knowledge and skills to relieve the body’s pain and thus give it back its full mobility.
For a relaxing or therapeutic massage, make an appointment with Monica. She will gladly offer you a massage adapted to your needs.
IMPORTANT information
Monica can intervene in :
- Massage therapy
Service | Duration | Rate |
Massotherapy | 60 min. | $85 |
Massotherapy | 90 min. | $115 |
Receipts issued
- Massage therapy
Make an appointment with Monica
Monica's schedule
Dorval clinic
Day | Time |
Monday | 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm |
Tuesday | Not available |
Wednesday | 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm |
Thursday | Not available |
Friday | Not available |
Monica can
intervene in:
- Massage therapy
Service | Duration | Rate |
Massotherapy | 60 min. | $85 |
Massotherapy | 90 min. | $115 |
Receipts issued
- Massage therapy
Monica's schedule
Day | Time |
Monday | 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm |
Tuesday | Not available |
Wednesday | 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm |
Thursday | Not available |
Friday | Not available |
Make an appointment
with Monica
Massage therapy :
A definition
Massage therapy :
A definition
Make an appointment
Articles from
massage therapy
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