Health problems :


This disease affects mostly women.

This disease is increasingly studied and causes several disagreements as to the causes of it.

"Exercise is a good way to strengthen our bones."

Disagreements? Yes, especially in relation to the role of calcium in this story. Indeed, contrary to what we were taught at home and at school, the fact of consuming as many dairy products as possible in order to have better bones is not approved by all health professionals. Let us see what happens.

Let’s start by explaining the disease in concrete terms. What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is “a disorder characterized by low bone mass and architectural deterioration of bone tissue, resulting in fragile bones and a consequent increase in the risk of fractures. As we can see, this disease is quite serious.

First of all, we must understand that all these advertising campaigns that led citizens to firmly believe that consuming dairy products in large quantities had only good virtues for their health do not always have the health of the population as their primary interest. Indeed, behind all this publicity that seems to advocate popular health is the existence of the dairy lobbies. Faced with these advertising campaigns often launched by the government in order to avoid an economic crisis in the dairy sector, it is our duty to discern the truth from the falsehood.

However, calcium-rich dairy products are still important for bone health. It is not necessary to banish them from our diet. Rather, the point is that calcium is no more important than any other nutrient needed for bone health in the human skeleton. When consumed in excess, calcium wanders around the body rather than sticking to the bone walls. This causes an imbalance in the body and impairs its proper functioning. In short, you should not miss out on it or consume too much of it.

But can we take precautions to prevent osteoporosis? You will see that it is possible to reduce our chances of developing this disease without necessarily gorging ourselves on dairy products. Let’s see some examples.

Exercise is a good way to strengthen our bones. Indeed, when we practice a physical activity such as running or jumping rope, pressure is imposed on our bones, making them more resistant. Not to mention that exercise strengthens our muscles improving our overall balance. As a result, the risk of falls and fractures is much lower.

Otherwise, you should also make sure you get enough vitamin D because, like calcium, it is essential for good bone health. Unfortunately, we can’t just rely on the sun’s rays to meet our vitamin D needs. We can supplement with fatty fish such as herring, salmon or sardines. So, get outside to get some sunshine and change your diet a bit to include sources of vitamin D.

Vitamin K and potassium are not to be neglected. Opt for vegetables that contain a lot of both nutrients.

In conclusion, yes, calcium is important for bone growth, but our overconsumption of dairy products means that we are neglecting other nutrients. In spite of all these advertising campaigns, we must understand that consuming too much dairy products does not make the bones stronger. Quality is just as important as quantity in preventing osteoporosis. So, we must not forget that lack of calcium is far from being the only cause of the development of this disease.

If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact us.


  • KANIS, JA et al. “Perspective: the diagnosis of osteoporosis. 1994.
  • SOUCCAR, Thierry. “Comprehensive solution for osteoporosis.” Health Nature Innovation, n.11, August 2012, p.4.
  • VACHON, Carol. “Does milk protect against osteoporosis?”, Quebec, 1996, p.68

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