Massage therapy

Clinique Physio Guindon

Osteopathy clinic Physio Guindon Dorval - photo tablet


Kinesitherapy At the Guindon physio clinic, we have 3 massage therapists offering different styles of massage therapy. One of these styles, practiced by 2 of

Osteopathy clinic Physio Guindon Dorval - photo tablet


Pierre-David Pinault, a massage therapy graduate, began training in kinesiology. He also completed his training as a massage therapist at the Institut Kiné-Concept in order

Dorval Physiotherapy Clinic, Montreal West

Health Tip : Active Recovery

Are you a sportsman or do you train? You probably know the principle of recovery to allow your body to adapt to the effort made

Massage therapy

Deep tissue massage

An explanation of the technique and its benefits Not all types of massage are for relaxation. There are certain types of massages that help you