Osteopathy and concussion

Stephan Guindon

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No one is immune to concussions

Although the reality of professional contact sports is far from most of us, the fact remains that no one is immune to concussions, young or old, sedentary or active.

If you think you or a loved one may have suffered a concussion, the Quebec government has a protocol in place that is important to follow.

It activates the blood flow to the head by releasing the blockages and tensions that the impact would have produced (or blockages prior to the impact). With this approach the blood circulates more freely, facilitating and accelerating the healing process. Signs and symptoms such as headaches, foggy feeling, short, medium or long term memory loss, fatigue, and concentration problems can be improved with osteopathy.

Osteopathy can also help in cases where a concussion has been diagnosed by a doctor. How can osteopathy help?

In addition, the osteopathy graduate will be able to treat the peripheral consequences of a concussion, neck problems, muscle pain, etc.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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Massage therapy


Kinesitherapy At the Guindon physio clinic, we have 3 massage therapists offering different styles of massage therapy. One of these styles, practiced by 2

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It is a medicine based on manual techniques aimed at preserving or restoring the mobility of the different structures of the body.